Education Research and Publications
Dive into extensive research regarding primary care education at the undergraduate medical, resident/clerkship, and professional levels
Associations of Internal Medicine Residency Milestone Ratings and Certification Examination Scores With Patient Outcomes
Exploring Competency-Based Medical Education Through the Lens of the UME-GME Transition: A Qualitative Study
Low rate of completion of recommended tests and referrals in an academic primary care practice with resident trainees.
Building Student Competencies to Address Healthcare's Grand Challenges: Lessons from an International Collaboration
Undergraduate Medical Education Reform in Viet Nam for a Primary Health Care Workforce
Preparing health professions students to lead change
The Impact of Oral Health Training for Primary Care Clinicians: A Systematic Review
Medical education needs management training
Ellner, A. (2017). Medical education needs management training., Online.
Competency-Based Medical Education in the Internal Medicine Clerkship: A Report from the Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine Undergraduate Medical Education Task Force
A model for training medical student innovators: the Harvard Medical School Center for Primary Care Abundance Agents of Change program
A chronic disease management student-faculty collaborative practice: educating students on innovation in health care delivery
Blueprint for an undergraduate primary care curriculum
Health systems innovation at academic health centers: leading in a new era of health care delivery
The Harvard Medical School Academic Innovations Collaborative: transforming primary care practice and education
View other HMS Center for Primary Care Center Research
We have produced more than 100 publications on a variety of topics and issues related to primary care.