Education Research and Publications

Dive into extensive research regarding primary care education at the undergraduate medical, resident/clerkship, and professional levels

Associations of Internal Medicine Residency Milestone Ratings and Certification Examination Scores With Patient Outcomes

Gray, B.M., Vandergrift, J. L., Stevens, J. P., Lipner, R.S.,  McDonald, F.S., Landon, B. E., Associations of Internal Medicine Residency Milestone Ratings and Certification Examination Scores With Patient Outcomes. JAMA. May 6, 2024.

Exploring Competency-Based Medical Education Through the Lens of the UME-GME Transition: A Qualitative Study

Zetkulic, M., Moriarty, J.P., Amin, A., Fazio, S., et al. Exploring Competency-Based Medical Education Through the Lens of the UME-GME Transition: A Qualitative Study. Acad Med. 2024;99(1):83-90. doi:10.1097/ACM.0000000000005449

Low rate of completion of recommended tests and referrals in an academic primary care practice with resident trainees.

Sternberg, S.B., Salant, T., Fernandez, L., Schiff, G.D., Aronson, M.D., Benneyan, J.C., Singer, S.J., Graham, K.L., Phillips, R.S. Low rate of completion of recommended tests and referrals in an academic primary care practice with resident trainees. The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety. Published online 2023. doi:10.1016/j.jcjq.2023.10.005

Building Student Competencies to Address Healthcare's Grand Challenges: Lessons from an International Collaboration

Sullivan, E.E., DePuccio, M.J., Stephenson, A.L., et al. Building Student Competencies to Address Healthcare’s Grand Challenges: Lessons from an International Collaboration. Journal of Health Administration Education. 2023;39(4):615-630.

Undergraduate Medical Education Reform in Viet Nam for a Primary Health Care Workforce

Duong, D.B., Nguyen, T.A., Goodell, K., et al. (2022). Undergraduate Medical Education Reform in Viet Nam for a Primary Health Care Workforce. Ann Glob Health.

Preparing health professions students to lead change

Rotenstein, L., Perez, K., Wohler, D., Sanders, S., Im, D., Kazberouk, A., & Phillips, R.S. (2019). Preparing health professions students to lead change. Leadership in Health Services, 32, 182-194.

The Impact of Oral Health Training for Primary Care Clinicians: A Systematic Review

Dwiel, K., Hesketh, M.A., Alpert, J.L., Cellini, J., Goodell, K., Phillips, R.S., & Sullivan, E.E. (2018). The Impact of Oral Health Training for Primary Care Clinicians: A Systematic Review. Family Medicine, 51(3), 251-261.

Medical education needs management training

Ellner, A. (2017). Medical education needs management training., Online.

Competency-Based Medical Education in the Internal Medicine Clerkship: A Report from the Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine Undergraduate Medical Education Task Force

Fazio, S.B., Ledford, C.H., Aronowitz, P.B., Chheda, S.G., Choe, J.H., Call, S.A., Gitlin, S.D., Muntz, M., Nixon, L.J., Pereira, A.G. and Ragsdale, J.W. (2017). Competency-Based Medical Education in the Internal Medicine Clerkship: A Report from the Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine Undergraduate Medical Education Task Force. Academic Medicine.

A model for training medical student innovators: the Harvard Medical School Center for Primary Care Abundance Agents of Change program

Duong, D. B., Sullivan, E. E., Minter-Jordan, M., Giesen, L., & Ellner, A. L. (2016). A model for training medical student innovators: the Harvard Medical School Center for Primary Care Abundance Agents of Change program. Medical Education Online, 21(1).

A chronic disease management student-faculty collaborative practice: educating students on innovation in health care delivery

Remus, K. E., Honigberg, M., Tummalapalli, L., Cohen, L. P., Fazio, S., & Weinstein, A. R. (2016). A chronic disease management student-faculty collaborative practice: educating students on innovation in health care delivery. Academic Medicine, 91(7), 967-971.

Blueprint for an undergraduate primary care curriculum

Fazio, S. B., Demasi, M., Farren, E., Frankl, S., Gottlieb, B., Hoy, J., Johnson, A., Kasper, J., Lee, P., McCarthy, C., & Miller, K. (2016). Blueprint for an undergraduate primary care curriculum. Academic Medicine, 91(12), 1628-1637.

Health systems innovation at academic health centers: leading in a new era of health care delivery

Ellner, A. L., Stout, S., Sullivan, E. E., Griffiths, E. P., Mountjoy, A., & Phillips, R. S. (2015). Health systems innovation at academic health centers: leading in a new era of health care delivery. Academic Medicine, 90(7), 872-880.

The Harvard Medical School Academic Innovations Collaborative: transforming primary care practice and education

Bitton, A., Ellner, A., Pabo, E., Stout, S., Sugarman, J. R., Sevin, C., Goodell, K., Bassett, J.S., & Phillips, R. S. (2014). The Harvard Medical School Academic Innovations Collaborative: transforming primary care practice and education. Academic Medicine, 89(9), 1239-1244.