Marie Louise Jean Baptiste, MD, FACP
Dr. Marie Louise Jean Baptiste was born in Haiti, where she attended medical school and residency. After immigrating to the United States in 1982, she spent four years preparing for post-graduate training in internal medicine. She graduated from The Cambridge Hospital Internal Medicine Residency Program and joined the faculty to pursue a career that emphasized the health care needs of immigrant populations. In response to the health needs of the Haitian immigrant community, she found herself learning about and providing tuberculosis and HIV care in addition to primary medical care.
Dr. Jean Baptiste has also been an active teacher of Harvard medical students in the “Patient-Doctor” sequence and a preceptor of medical residents in her clinical settings. She was appointed Program Director for minority affairs for the internal residency training program to recognize her leadership role in the Department of Medicine in promoting a safe, diverse, and culturally competent milieu for medical practice and training. Dr. Jean Baptiste has also been an advocate for health care access for the Cambridge and Somerville linguistic minority communities. She offers group visits for patients with diabetes, records health promotional messages for local radio stations, and trains “volunteer health advisors” to promote the health of their communities. Dr. Jean Baptiste has won numerous public service and teaching awards.