Featuring Shreya Kangovi & Lisa Kidd from the Penn Center for CHWs
This is our first episode of Review of Systems in partnership with the Harvard Center for Primary Care – we are very excited – our website has moved to https://primarycare.hms.harvard.edu, or you can go to our old address if you have it bookmarked and you’ll be redirected to our new site.
This week, we have two very exciting guests: Shreya Kangovi, an internist/pediatrician and researcher who studies CHW interventions and developed a multi-stakeholder team-based CHW model called IMPaCT (Individualized Management towards Patient-Centered Targets), and went on to found the Penn Center for Community Health Workers. These organizations work to deliver care to patients in Philadelphia, provide training and capacity building, as well as performing ongoing research. Our second guest, Lisa Kidd, is a CHW who works at the Penn Center and will join us to talk about her experiences as a CHW. You can find some of Dr. Kangovi’s publications here.
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