Supporting health care worker resilience and finding solutions to burnout is a part of our mission. Center research includes the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic and potential pathways to promoting health care worker well-being.

You Cannot Function in “Overwhelm”: Helping Primary Care Navigate the Slow End of the Pandemic

Sullivan, E.E; Etz, R.S.; Gonzalez,M.M.; Deubel, J.; Reves, S.R.; Stange, K.C.; Hughes, L. S.; Linzer, M. Journal of Healthcare Management 69(3):p 190-204, May/June 2024. | DOI: 10.1097/JHM-D-23-00102

Understanding what leaders can do to facilitate healthcare workers’ feeling valued: improving our knowledge of the strongest burnout mitigator

Martin Stillman, Erin E Sullivan, Kriti Prasad, Christine Sinsky, Jordyn Deubel, Jill O Jin, Roger Brown, Nancy Nankivil, Mark Linzer. Understanding what leaders can do to facilitate healthcare workers’ feeling valued: improving our knowledge of the strongest burnout mitigator. BMJ Journals.

Understanding what leaders can do to facilitate healthcare workers’ feeling valued: improving our knowledge of the strongest burnout mitigator

Stillman, M., Sullivan, E. E., Prasad, K., Sinsky, C., Deubel, J., Jin, J.O., Brown, R., Nankivil, N., Linzer, M. Understanding what leaders can do to facilitate healthcare workers’ feeling valued: improving our knowledge of the strongest burnout mitigator.

Work Environment, Burnout, and Intent to Leave Current Job Among Cardiology Team Members: Results From the National Coping With COVID Survey

Mallick, S., Shroff, G.R., Linzer, M., Douglas, P.S., Sullivan, E., Brown, R., and Karim, R. Abstract 12119: Work Environment, Burnout, and Intent to Leave Current Job Among Cardiology Team Members: Results From the National Coping With COVID Survey. Circulation. 2023;148(Suppl_1). doi:

Burnout Among Hospitalists During the Early COVID-19 Pandemic: a National Mixed Methods Survey Study

Becker, A., Sullivan, E.E., Leykum, L.K., et al. Burnout Among Hospitalists During the Early COVID-19 Pandemic: a National Mixed Methods Survey Study [published online ahead of print, 2023 Jul 28]. J Gen Intern Med. 2023;10.1007/s11606-023-08309-x. doi:10.1007/s11606-023-08309-x

Primary Care in Peril: How Clinicians View the Problems and Solutions

Sullivan, E.E., Etz, R.S., Gonzalez, M.M., et al. Primary Care in Peril: How Clinicians View the Problems and Solutions. NEJM Catalyst. 2023;4(6):CAT.23.0029. doi:doi:10.1056/CAT.23.0029

Improving diagnosis: Adding context to cognition

Linzer, M., Sullivan, E.E., Olson, A.P.J., Khazen, M., Mirica, M., Schiff, G.D. Improving diagnosis: Adding context to cognition. De Gruyter. February 1, 2023. Accessed June 28, 2023.

COVID-19's Perceived Impact on Primary Care in New England: A Qualitative Study

Sullivan, E.E., Breton, M., McKinstry, D., & Phillips R.S. (2022). COVID-19's Perceived Impact on Primary Care in New England: A Qualitative Study. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine

Primary care physician supply and population mortality in the United States, 2005-2015

Basu S, Berkowitz SA, Phillips RL, Bitton A, Landon BE, Phillips RS. (2018). Primary care physician supply and population mortality in the United States, 2005-2015. JAMA Internal Medicine.

How one California medical group is decreasing physician burnout

Arabadjis, S. & Sullivan, E. E. (2017). How one California medical group is decreasing physician burnout. Harvard Business Review.